Green County Amateur
Radio Association
Green County Wisconsin

Hello and welcome to the Green County Amateur Radio Association.
GCARA was formed in the 1960's by local amateur radio operators for camaraderie, to help promote interest in the hobby with local individuals/communities, and to also promote the community services that ham radio can provide.
The Green County Amateur Radio Association Repeater, KO9LR is located just southwest of Monroe Wisconsin, in Green County at the WEKZ FM radio station tower site in the picture you see to the right. The antenna is 285 feet up on the tower. The repeater has been at this location since April 17 1992, with special thanks to WEKZ. The frequency is 145.110 Mhz with a standard "minus" offset. Tone access for the repeater is 123.0.
The repeater is designated for ARES/RACES emergency communication. More information on Green County ARES/RACES can be found by clicking on the ARES/RACES button at the top of this page.
The repeater is also used for Skywarn weather spotting activities in Green County. You can find more information on Green County Amateur Radio Skywarn on our Skywarn page.
If you are interested in being part of ARES/RACES, weather spotting, or just becoming a licensed amateur radio operator to join these great community services, or just the hobby itself, contact GCARA or any of it's members for further information to help you get started.
GCARA Membership is open to all licensed amateurs in and around Green County. Membership dues/donations are due every January to gain or maintain membership status.
The dues help cover insurance costs for the repeater system, and it's related fees.
If you would like more information, or have any questions about GCARA, feel free to drop us an email, and we will gladly respond to answer your comments & questions.
73's, GCARA